Sharing our passion for weaving and spinning with the broader community
WGGB is proud to serve the community through a variety of activities designed to encourage weaving and spinning. We reach out to the community through competitions, demonstrations, and exhibits. We connect Guild members with each other and fiber artists beyond our area through social media and by linking to regional and national fiber arts organizations. |

Sheep & Wool Festival
First weekend in May
We’re honored to manage the Skein & Garment Competition each year

Public Demos
Festivals and fairs
We participate in public demonstrations to share our knowledge

At local galleries
We regularly create exhibits to show the beautiful work of our members

Fiber Resources
We support sister fiber groups – MAFA and HGA
Find links to other spinning and weaving resources
From Our Members
My love of fiber, that began many years ago, has been fueled and supported by the Guild and that creative journey is still going.
Even though we all come from different backgrounds and walks of life, we have a common interest in weaving, spinning, and fiber arts. WGGB is a wonderful community of people who are very generous with sharing of ideas and talents.
Connect with Us
Guild Meetings
Howard County
Arts Center
8510 High Ridge Road
Ellicott City MD 21043
Try a Meeting
We welcome new members.
Attend a meeting when deciding if you would like to join us!
Email us at
For General Inquiries
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