Weave Structures: Totally Twill – Beyond The Basics

Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 7:30pm


Taught by Robyn Spady

Program Overview

Twills are one of the most versatile weave structures and the possibilities are amazing! The breadth of weaving twills can be a bit daunting, but so much fun! In this class, we will cover the basics from straight draw and point twills and then move on to broken, undulating, M&W, Dornick, plaited, and turned twills.

About the Artist

Weaving has always been a part of my life. It started with my baby blanket handwoven by my great-grandmother. While growing up, it helped instill in me a sense of creativity and confidence at a time when my self-esteem was developing. During my years while working, in what I like to call “Corporate America”, weaving helped give me sanity and feel a sense of productivity, which was very important while working on long-term projects when day-to-day progress was not evident.

In 2001, changes in my life provided me the opportunity to dedicate myself to weaving fulltime. One of the earliest undertakings, that has had a huge impact on my life and my weaving, was tackling the Handweavers Guild of America’s (HGA) Certificate of Excellence in Handweaving (COE-W). In October 2002, I successfully completed the Level 1: Technical Skills in Handweaving. In October 2004, I successfully completed Level II: Master in Handweaving with the specialized study Loom-controlled Stitched Double Cloth.

I am fascinated by the infinite possibilities of crossing threads and love coming up with new ideas to create fabric and transform it into something that has never existed before. My intrigue with stitched double cloth encouraged me to explore the many ways to weave double-faced fabrics as a way to create versatile fabrics that are reversible, self-lined, etc. In addition to double-faced fabrics, I love to discover uncommon and unusual weave structures, especially if they can be woven on only four-shafts. Recently, I’ve also been studying how elaborate trims can be woven on narrow warp weaves.

In 2016 I launched Heddlecraft®, a digital magazine for handweavers. I believed there was a void in educational resources for the intermediate-to-advanced weaver (and adventure-seeking beginners).

For many of us, weaving is a type of circle of life. The loom my great-grandmother used to weave my baby blanket on over 50 years ago is in use on a daily basis helping me transfer my inspirations into new fabrics and inspiring new generations of weavers.

Artist’s website:  Spady Studios

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